Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is W Day.



The Technology Student Association (TSA Club) will be starting on Tuesday, October 8 after school in the Technology Lab, Room 24.  Come learn about our State Conference at the Denver Tech Center Marriott Hotel and our National Conference in Washington DC!  TSA will meet Tuesdays after school in the Wood Tech and Modern Tech labs. All future TSA students must attend this mandatory meeting!  See Mr. Grimes or Mr. Biddulph for more information.


Reminder – all returning Newspaper Club members – we are meeting Tuesday, October 1 after school in room 22.  If you're unable to attend please contact Mrs. Horton.


New members to the Newspaper Club are welcome beginning Tuesday, October 8 after school in room 22.


Attention all Euclid spelling fanatics! Did you know that PNEUMONO­ULTRA­MICRO­SCOPIC­SILICO­VOLCANO­CONIOSIS is a lung disease caused by breathing in particles of siliceous volcanic dust? This is the longest word in any English dictionary? However, it was coined by Everett Smith, the President of The National Puzzlers' League, in 1935 purely for the purpose of inventing a new "longest word".  If you love spelling, want to become a better speller or are looking for a place to study for the school spelling bee, spelling club is for you!  Join us for our first meeting Wednesday, October 2nd from 2:45-4:15 in Mrs. Fast's room 82.  We will meet most Wednesdays after school until the bee on December 2nd.  Hope to see you there!


National Junior Honor Society will be meeting this Friday, October 4 in the double classroom at 7:00 a.m.  Breakfast will be served, Alex B. will be presenting this quarter's project, a canned food drive, and all members will be working in a small group to help accomplish that project.  If you have not paid dues and can do so this month please bring in $10 cash or check to EMS.


The next Cycling Club meeting is Tuesday, October 1 after school.  We'll meet at Student Services, then head outside to ride.  Bring your bike and helmet! If you haven't joined us this year, stop by Student Services before Tuesday to pick up a permission slip.  Please see Mrs. Lloyd in student services or Cycling Club student leader, Mea Parachini in Discovery Core if you have questions.  Happy riding!


Reminder:  When you enter the building, you need to turn your cell phone off and store it in your locker.  It is important that it is off and not on vibrate during the school day.  So…at this time…if you have your cell phone with you, please turn it off and take it to your locker.


Words of Wisdom

Quote: "The superior man sets a good example to his neighbors.  He is considerate of their feelings and their property." –Confucius