Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is a B Day.


8th Grade:

Heritage High School cheerleading tryouts are next week! Students must be registered for cheer, turn in a current physical to HHS athletics, and have all tryout documents turned in by Monday, April 8th. Don't miss your only opportunity to try out for cheerleading for next year!


The 8th grade panoramic picture is scheduled for Friday, April 12 at 3:00 PM. Please be sure to pick up an order form from your CorePlus teacher.


All Grades:           

Attention all students,

Please remember, you need to have your Chromebooks every day for CMAS testing and fully charged. If you have your Chromebook each day and it is charged at 85% or higher, you will receive a raffle ticket. Your raffle ticket will allow you to be eligible to earn our CMAS Grand Prize! There will be a drawing on April 15 for all three grades. The winner will earn a pizza party and be able to invite three friends! So, remember to have a good night of sleep before testing, try your best and charge your Chromebooks.


NJHS -- Attention current members: If you missed Thursday's meeting, you may still come sign up to help with Induction and our next service project. Sign-ups are on the clipboard outside Mrs. Milstead's room. In addition, officer applications are available. They are due April 5.


Magic the Gathering club members, we have our meeting this Thursday, April 4th.  We will be signing up for our Spring and last tournament of the year that day.  If you can't make it on April 4th, the sign-up will also happen the following Thursday, April 11th.


Sources of Strength Student Leaders- we will meet on Thursday, April 4th, after school in the Double Classroom! 

Words of Wisdom:

Quote: "We fear the future because we are wasting today." –Mother Teresa