Friday, September 15, 2017

Friday, September 15, 2017

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is a B Day.

6th Grade:

6th grade Co-ed volleyball will start on Monday, September 18 from 3-4:15 in the gym. Please come out and play regardless of your ability level! Schedules and more information will be given out the first day of practice!  Hope to see you there!


6th Grade Basketball Players - Just a reminder. There is NO practice on MondaySeptember 18th. The last practice of the season will be held Tuesday, September 18th from 3:00 to 4:15 after school. See you there!


8th Grade:

Attention ALL 8th grade volleyball players: Are you interested in being a peer coach during the 6th grade co-ed volleyball season? Coach Lunn is looking for experienced players to help model, run drills and coach 6th grade teams during the 6th grade volleyball tournament. If you are interested please email Coach Lunn or stop by her room 1294 to let her know! The season starts Monday, September 18!


All Grades:

PICTURE MAKE-UP/RETAKE DAY: Coming Tuesday, September 26th! If you missed getting your picture taken or want a re-take done, come see Mrs. Rand in the Attendance Office for a form or parents can order online. Order at, with the Picture Day ID: CG017557Y1.


Attention Euclid Spelling Fanatics! Euclid Spelling Club will meet on Tuesday mornings from 7:15-7:45 in Mrs. Fast's Room (basement 0295) starting on September 19th. We will continue every Tuesday morning until the Euclid Spelling Bee in December! We play games and a small breakfast snack is provided! You do not have to be a good speller to join.


Words of Wisdom:

Ten Commandments of Human Relations (written by students)

Rule 1: Speak to people.

Rule 2: Smile at people.

Rule 3: Call people by name.

Rule 4: Be friendly and helpful.

Rule 5: Be cordial.