Friday, March 24, 2017

Friday, March 24, 2017

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is a W Day.


All Grades:

Lost and Found will be donated today. Check it out before it's gone!


Join us for our next Green Team meeting on Thursday, April 6 at 3:00 pm. We'll be in Mrs. Bradbury's room 1116.  We will finish our Earth Week preparations.


Today is the Hoops for Heart Event! Bring some money to donate, buy a pup to chuck, or buy a half court shot for prizes. If you donate $10 or more you will be entered into a raffle for 4 tickets to the Nuggets!!


Attention all students, 

Please remember, you need to have your Chromebooks every day for CMAS testing and fully charged. If you have your Chromebook each day and it is charged at 85% or higher, you will receive a raffle ticket. Your raffle ticket will allow you to be eligible to earn our CMAS Grand Prize! There will be a drawing on April 10 for the 8th graders and a drawing on April 17 for all three grades. The winner will earn a pizza party and be able to invite three friends! So, remember to have a good night of sleep before testing, try your best and charge your Chromebooks.


Words of Wisdom:

Quote: "We have it in our power to begin the world over again." –Thomas Paine