Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is B Day.

8th Grade:

The 8th grade party is Thursday from 2:50 - 4:15. Come enjoy great music, good food and drinks, and the last middle school dance you will ever have!!  Don't let this one pass you by; it is a lot of fun.  We will have black lights and the theme is glow in the dark.  Where white to really show off your dance moves!! See you May 7th in the cafeteria, the cost is only $3.00. This covers food, drink and give aways. 


8th grade girls volleyball players - please turn in your uniform to Coach Otte or Coach Vigil. Admission to Pizza Party is $1 and uniform must be turned in. The Volleyball Pizza Party is on Friday, May 8th during 8th grade lunch.


All Grades:

All library books are due next Monday, May 11.  Please return all your library books by Monday to avoid late book fines!


This week is Teacher Appreciation Week!!  Please take a moment out of your day to say thank you to your awesome teachers for helping you be successful this year.  If you want to help say thank you to your teachers you can do so in many ways.


Tuesday:  8th grade student council is sponsoring a "Wear Blue and White Day" to show your support of your teachers. They work hard every day to have cool lessons, fun activities, and ways to help you be successful.  Please dress in blue and white to show this support.  Staff - drop by the lounge for a morning snack to help out your day!!


Wednesday:  Student Council and PTO purchased lunch for the staff today - ask them about how yummy it was.  


Thursday: 6th grade student council has made a poster that students can sign and provided a healthy afternoon snack for all staff in the lounge. An apple a day - makes your teacher feel loved!!


Friday:  Thank you to all students that helped us to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week.  If you haven't had a chance to say thank you - make sure and do it today.  A kind word goes a long way!!  Let's end this year on a strong positive note.  Enjoy our weekend.     



Hey 6th graders - 86 students will not be receiving a yearbook during the last week of school...BUMMER

Hey 7th grader - 79 students will not be receiving a yearbook during the last week of school...BUMMER

Hey 8th graders - 42 students will not be receiving a yearbook during the last week of school...BUMMER

BUT WAIT!  THERE IS STILL TIME TO ACT.  Check out Infinite Campus or ask our bookkeeper, Mrs. Kelley to see if you have purchased one.  IF NOT...pay $25 on IC or bring cash or a check to Mrs. Kelley next week to reserve your copy.

Student Council: We will be having a meeting this Thursday.  7th graders please turn in your officer applications.  The meeting will be at 7:00 AM.  We will be having our end of the year party.  Please remember to bring food and drinks.

Words of Wisdom

Quote: "To see what is right and not do it is a lack of courage." –Confucius