Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesday, December 9

This is a B Day.

6th Grade:

6th Grade Soccer Club is this Friday, December 12 at 7:00 AM.

7th Grade:

7th Grade Ping Pong is this Thursday, December 11 after school in the cafeteria.

8th Grade:

8th Grade Soccer Club is canceled for Wednesday, December 10.

8th Grade Boys: There will be an informational meeting for basketball on Monday, December 15 at 3:00 PM in room 108.  Bus passes will be available.


All-School Holiday Lunch

Date:  Thursday, December 11th

Time:  Your lunch period

Attire:  Dress up for the Occasion


Turkey, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Corn, Hot Roll, Pumpkin Pie and Milk

PTO will be decorating the cafeteria and serving pumpkin pie.

Mr. Vaitaitis will be filling the room with holiday music.

Words of Wisdom                

Monthly Theme: Daring to be Our Best

Quote: “I dare you to think bigger, to act bigger, and to be bigger.  I dare you to be strong and keep yourself fit.  I dare you to think creatively.  I dare you to lead and inspire others.  I dare you to build character.  I dare you to share.  And I promise you a richer and more exciting life if you do!” –William H. Danforth