Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a B Day.
7th Grade: Seventh graders - your registration cards are due Tuesday, April 12th.
ALL GRADES: National Junior Honor Society – At the April meeting, Officer Applications for next school year were handed out to all interested current 7th graders. If you would like to apply to be an officer (president, vice president, secretary, or treasurer), please get an application from Mrs. Sutterer in room 91. Follow the directions on the application and turn in a letter of recommendation and the application before or on Friday April 22. The winners of the election will be announced in the May N.J.H.S meeting.
Remember tomorrow is College Day, so wear your college attire to get FREE chips and queso at Qdoba Mexican Grill and a FREE “Like It” size ice cream at Coldstone Creamery from 3 - 7 PM on Friday, April 8.
Check the PTO Welcome Center for information on activities outside of Euclid.
Words of Wisdom
Monthly Theme: Making Responsible Choices
Quote: “Wisdom is better than rubies, and all things that may be desired are not to be compared with it.” –Hebrew proverb