Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday, April 29

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is a W Day.

7TH Grade: Congratulations new WEB leaders!!  If you haven't already, please stop by the gym to see the list of next year’s WEB leaders.  Don't forget to pick up a very important permission slip in Mr. Fischer's office.  See you on Monday!

ALL GRADES: All library books are due back in the library on Friday May 6th!   Please return or pay for all your library books by then.  All language arts classes with no overdue books will win a basket of candy!

Wednesday, May 4 will be the last meeting of Crochet Beads and Wire Club for this school year.

Congratulations to the Mt. Elbert Core from 6th grade on collecting the most items for the King’s Pantry food bank!  Thanks to everyone who contributed in this NJHS service project.

Attention all aquarium club members.  Our next meeting will be Monday, May 2.  We will meet in Mr. Yamnitz’s room 81 at 2:45 to clean tanks and get ready for the fish auction. I will see everyone there!

Words of Wisdom

Theme: Doing What is Right

Quote: “In the average man is curled the hero stuff that rules the world.” –Sam Walter Foss