Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a W Day.
ALL GRADES: Today is the last day that NJHS is holding a drive to send non-perishable foods and hygiene products to a local food bank called The King’s Pantry. The collection boxes say Liberia Drive on them, but they are really for The King’s Pantry drive. Bring in your cans and boxes of non-perishable food and hygiene products. The core with the most products in each grade level will win a prize.
Today is Earth Day! Thank you to everyone that helped recycle new clothes. A snack will be provided to the CORE with the most recycled clothing on Tuesday.
National Junior Honor Society officer applications for next school year are due FRIDAY, APRIL 22. Turn in the completed application and a letter of recommendation from a teacher to Mrs. Sutterer (teacher mail box or classroom #91) by 3:00p.m. Winners will be announced at the May 6 NJHS morning meeting.
Words of Wisdom
School and homework. Sports, activities and chores. Not to mention sleeping and eating. So much to fit into a single day! How you choose to use your time can actually help you do more of what you want. If you plan out the things you have to do you might be surprised how much you can fit in a day. When you start without plan things get forgotten. Earning Falcon Feather number 4 can help you make more time to do want you want. Don’t miss your chance to earn yours. Euclid’s next turn in days are today and next Friday April 22.