Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a W Day.
8th Grade: 8th graders attending Arapahoe High School – Honors classes application packets are available in Student Services. If you are interested in applying for Honor Classes come by and pick up a packet. Auditions begin February 26. AHS is hosting Freshman Showcase Night on February 28 at 7:00 PM.
ALL GRADES: Cooking Club is cancelled for Wednesday, February 23. We will meet again next Wednesday, March 2 after school. Students should bring their own snacks on March 2nd because it is a recipe planning session.
Please remember to start bringing in your Pennies for Patients change boxes on Tuesday to your classroom. You will be getting your large classroom boxes today to start filling up. We will be collecting all of the money and getting class room totals on Wednesday and Friday of next week. Remember our goal for the change collections is only $2.00 per student – we want to raise $1400 by Friday, February 25th.
Euclid readers, this Friday is the last day of our “Win a Candy Bar” contest! You can win a candy bar (or two) by logging onto the library web site and writing a quick book review. Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Mast will choose the best book reviews, and notify the winners through their g mail account. You are checking your gmail sometimes, aren’t you?
Bead Club is cancelled for today, February 23 and resume meeting on Wednesday, March 2.
National Junior Honor Society Variety Show at Cherrelynn will be THIS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24. Arrive at 6:00. Go to the second floor where the cafeteria is located & we'll rehearse and then perform at 6:30. Family members may attend. Cherrelyn is located at 5555 SOUTH ELATI STREET, LITTLETON.
Do you want to know how to Be REAL at Euclid? This week we will be focusing on Being Real in the
· Hallways
· Locker Room and
· Bathrooms
Words of Wisdom
Monthly Theme: Sharing Similarities
Quote: “People are created for togetherness, not for apartness and division.” –Desmond Tutu