Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a W Day.
8th Grade: 8th graders attending Arapahoe High School – Honors classes application packets are available in Student Services. If you are interested in applying for Honor Classes come by and pick up a packet. Auditions begin February 26. AHS is hosting Freshman Showcase Night on February 28 at 7:00 PM.
8th grade Girls’ Volleyball starts Tuesday, March 1st in the gym @ 2:50 p.m. Please be on time, dressed out and ready to practice until 4:00 p.m. The full schedule for the season is now posted in the gym and will be given out to you at this first practice. If you have not already paid your athletic fee please do so in the main office or bring it to the first practice.
ALL GRADES: Attention aquarium club members: ALL members including both Team Dorie and Team Nemo will be meeting Monday after school at 2:45 PM in Mr. Yamnitz’s room 81 and then go to Neptune’s fish store to get our last round of fish for all the tanks in the building. I can’t wait to see you all there and be sure you let me know if your parents can drive.
Due to lack of participation we will no longer offer Ping Pong Club.
Do you want to know how to Be REAL at Euclid?
This week we will be focusing on Being Real in the
· Hallways
· Locker Room and
· Bathrooms
Thank you everyone who participated in the library on-line book reviews! Many interesting, well written book reviews were posted. This week, we had six students post a great book review, and they win a candy bar! These students may stop by the library and pick out a candy bar!
This week was the end of the “Win a Candy Bar” contest, but we would still love to see some good book suggestions, reviews and comments posted.
Words of Wisdom
Monthly Theme: Sharing Similarities
Quote: “Remember that you are needed. There is at least one important work to be done that will not be done unless you do it.” –Charles Allen