Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday, February 17

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is a W Day.

8th Grade: AHS is hosting their Freshman Showcase Night on February 28 at 7:00 PM. Please see each high schools website for more information.

8th graders attending Arapahoe High School – Honors classes application packets are available in Student Services.  If you are interested in applying for Honor Classes come by and pick up a packet.  Auditions begin February 26.

ALL GRADES: Euclid readers, since we don’t have school on Friday, the library contest for best book reviews will be held on Thursday. Write an interesting book review, post it on the library web site, and win a candy bar!  Check your gmail on Thursday to see if you won!

Please remember to start bringing in your Pennies for Patients change boxes on Tuesday to your classroom.  You will be getting your large classroom boxes today to start filling up.  Please read the attached Mason’s story to help you understand why our school is supporting this organization.  We will be collecting all of the money and getting class room totals on Wednesday and Friday of next week.  Remember our goal for the change collections is only $2.00 per student – we want to raise $1400 by Friday, February 25th. Please save your change this weekend!! 

Teachers, please show the video to your classes.  Tell students that this is an example of how to Be Real in the Classroom.  Classroom DO

Words of Wisdom   

Monthly Theme: Sharing Similarities

Quote: “Associate yourself worth men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for ‘tis better to be alone than in bad company.” –George Washington