Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is B Day.
All Grades:
Euclid Fashion Week (November 3 - 7)
Yearbook is looking for trendy and fashionable people to photograph. Photos of groups and individuals will be taken at all lunches.
Thursday - Hipster outfit
Friday (8th grade only) - Wear a high school shirt that shows the high school you are going to attend
National Junior Honor Society will be meeting at 7:00 a.m. in the double classroom this Friday, November 7. Breakfast will be served. We will be learning about and planning Jamie's project about supporting the Colfax Community Network.
Student Council members: Just a reminder, we have a student council meeting this Thursday, November 6 at 7:00 AM.
Strategy lovers and chess experts, the annual Littleton Public Schools Chess Tournament will take place on Saturday, December 6 at Newton Middle School from 8-3. Registration forms are available in student services and on the Euclid website. Turn in all forms to Mrs. Grenawalt in 104 or ask your core teacher to put it in her box. The deadline for signing up is November 14. If you're interested, pick up your form now because no onsite or late registrations can be accepted.
Words of Wisdom
Quote: "Anger is a signal, and one worth listening to." –Harriet Lerner