Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is B Day.

All Grades:

Strategy lovers and chess experts, the annual Littleton Public Schools Chess Tournament will take place on Saturday, December 6 at Newton Middle School from 8-3.  Registration forms are available in student services and on the Euclid website.  Turn in all forms to Mrs. Grenawalt in 104 or ask your core teacher to put it in her box.  The deadline for signing up is tomorrow, November 14.  If you're interested, pick up your form now because no onsite or late registrations can be accepted.


Holiday Gift Drive (Tues,Wed,Thurs Novembr 18-20)

NJHS is hosting a competition within social studies classes.  All students are invited to donate one or more of the items below to contribute to the Colfax Community Network Holiday Party.  This organization allows low income families to purchase new items for each of their family members at a reduced price. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, November 18-20 bring any of the following NEW items to your social studies class.  Winning class periods will earn a DONUT PARTY!

KID ITEMS:                              

Dolls                                    books                          deck of cards              board games  

pajamas                              journals                        art supplies                  back packs


hygiene projects (toothbrushes, hairbrushes, shampoos etc)                  

socks                                  picture frames             pajamas                      robes                                      

slippers                               back packs


Internet Safety tip of the Day; Never give out your personal information on the internet. Name, phone number, address, school, email address and passwords are all personal information. Please play this video in your class.

Words of Wisdom

Quote: "They are only truly great who are truly good." –George Chapman