Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a W Day.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone who supported the fitness room fundraiser last Friday night!!! We raised over $700 in just four hours! A big shout out to the Euclid staff that made this night possible: Mr. Hein, Ms. Cotter, Mrs. Keely, Mr. Biddulph, Mrs. Chavers, Mr. Richardson, Mr. Claussen, Mrs. Gilpin, Mr. Yamnitz, Ms. Enderlin and Mr. Fischer!!
Today is Unplug Day! Unplug yourself from the cyber world. No texting, no Facebook or Twitter and no emailing! Try it and see how this will truly change your life! Yes, this means having a conversation face to face - OMG!
Strategy lovers and chess experts, the annual Littleton Schools Chess Tournament will take place on Saturday, December 1 at Newton Middle School. Registration forms are available in student services and on the EMS GT web site until November 15. Act now because no onsite or late registrations can be accepted after November 16.
Do you like to collect random facts? Do you have a large assortment of knowledge in your head? Do you like to compete with your fellow students in mental competitions? Do you want to represent your school in a battle of wills and quest for showing Euclid is the smartest school in Colorado? I know the answer is yes so come join us in room 81 after school on Mondays from 2:45-4:15 at Brain Bowl with Mr. Yamnitz! See ya there.
Don't forget that Mr. Richardson or Mr. Thelen will be in the library on Thursday after school for a HW Help! session. They look forward to seeing you there.
Words of Wisdom
Quote: "The individual is the central, rarest, most precious capital resource of our society." –Peter F. Drucker