Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a W Day.
8th Grade: Attention 8th graders – If you are considering one of our LPS high schools other than your home school, your parents need to fill out an Open Enrollment application. See the counseling office for more details and an Open Enrollment form.
8th grade only - Tell your parents about a new section in the yearbook: Baby ads. For $20 a baby picture and a message from your parents will be placed in the back of the book. This is a way for them to honor and congratulate your hard work. Go to the Euclid web page (Parent section) for directions.
Strategy lovers and chess experts, the annual Littleton Schools Chess Tournament will take place on Saturday, December 1 at Newton Middle School. Registration forms are available in student services and on the EMS GT web site until November 15. Act now because no onsite or late registrations can be accepted after November 16.
From the lunch room – be sure you check your lunch account. You will no longer be allowed to 'charge' lunches.
PACK UP THE CAR AND COME TO MCDONALDS at 6300 S. Broadway TONIGHT between 4 AND 8 PM. Your Administrators, teachers and secretaries will be working to raise money for the new Aerobic Fitness Center. Euclid will earn 15% of the profit during those hours.
Do you like to collect random facts? Do you have a large assortment of knowledge in your head? Do you like to compete with your fellow students in mental competitions? Do you want to represent your school in a battle of wills and quest for showing Euclid is the smartest school in Colorado? I know the answer is yes so come join us in room 81 after school on Mondays from 2:45-4:15 at Brain Bowl with Mr. Yamnitz! See ya there.
Words of Wisdom
Quote: "None are too small, too feeble, too poor to be of service. Think of this and act." –Hannah More