Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader


This is a W Day.


ALL GRADES:  Hello Student Council!!  Don't forget we do have a meeting on Thursday, April 5th at 7:00 AM.  See you all there!


CHILDREN'S BOOK DRIVE for kids in Liberia, West Africa.  Books are scarce and so are libraries in this poorest of poor countries.  Can you help out?  Please rummage around your house for any children's picture books or young teen books to donate.  NJHS students will be accepting them in the cafeteria at lunch times on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week.




The CURRENT National Junior Honor Society students will be meeting this Friday at 7:00 am. in the double classroom to plan our Induction Ceremony this month.  NEW NJHS students, please wait to attend May's Friday meeting.


Show your support! College In Colorado will host the 7th Annual College Friday on Friday, April 6, 2012. Help raise awareness about the importance of higher education for Colorado's youth and wear your favorite college logo apparel.  Visit the website to find special offers at Qdoba, Coldstone Creamery and many other opportunities during this week.  


6th Grade:

6th Grade Track will start on Tuesday, April 10th. Meet Mr. Coll and Mrs. Duran at 3:00 PM in the Activity Room next to the Gym. Come ready to run and be dressed for any type of weather. 


8th Grade:

The panoramic picture is scheduled for Friday, April 13.  An order form will be coming home soon.  Mark your calendars and practice your smile!


Are YOU ready for the end of school?  We're not!!  We still need acts for the talent show!  The deadline for turning in applications is THIS Friday.  Pick up applications in Mrs. Mac's room. Any and all acts welcome :)  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Mac or Mr. Fischer  

Words of Wisdom

Theme: Making a Difference      

Quote: "The mere resolve not to be useless and the honest desire to help other people will, in the quickest ways, improve yourself." –John Ruskin