Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a B Day.
ALL GRADES: National Junior Honor Society will host its annual Induction Ceremony TONIGHT, Thursday, April 26. The ceremony is for all current members and those who have been recently selected. Family members and friends are also encouraged to attend. This will be located in the cafeteria from 6:30-7:30. All students attending should wear appropriate clothing for the formal event (try to avoid jeans and t-shirts) and should arrive to the library at 6:00 p.m. Check-in with Mrs. Sutterer if you are unable to attend.
It is almost your last opportunity to help support the orphanage in the Philippines. Get your suckers fast as they are selling out!! Support Jack and Tammy as they run this orphanage helping kids to get off the streets and into a home that has food, shelter, education and love!!
On Tuesday, May 1 bring $1 to wear a hat and on Wednesday, May 2 bring another $1 to wear slippers. This is a NJHS fundraiser for North Littleton Promise to help with cooking supplies and other necessities. You can give your money to your first hour core teacher.
Words of Wisdom
Theme: Choosing Character
Quote: "We should mark a notch every day on our characters, as Robinson Crusoe did on his stick." –Henry David Thoreau