Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a B Day.
ALL GRADES: National Junior Honor Society will be meeting this Friday, November 4 at 7:00 a.m. in the double classroom. Breakfast will be served. Several students will be bringing items…see the paper note that you receive this week. We will be planning our work for Habitat for Humanity and Emergency Family Food Bank. Please attend.
We are keeping it REAL about suicide prevention this week. Today, we are focusing on being Excellent and learning how to ACT when a friend is struggling.
Acknowledge: that a friend or classmate has problems and that the symptoms are serious.
Care: let the friend know you are there for them, and want to help.
Tell: a trusted adult about their concerns.
Don’t forget to stop by the information booth today to learn about the ACT message and to get more information on suicide prevention.
Don’t forget the student council meeting this Thursday in room 109 at 7:00AM - see you there.
Attention beginner, intermediate and expert chess players! The Littleton Public Schools annual chess tournament will take place at Newton Middle School on Saturday, December 3. You must pre-register before November 18th in order to attend. You can get a registration form from Mrs. Lloyd in room 103 or from Student Services. Questions? Check with Mrs. Lloyd.
Note: Homework Help Session with Mr. Richardson has changed to Thursday. It is now every Thursday in the Library from 3pm to 4:15pm.
Words of Wisdom
Theme: Daring to be Our Best
Quote: “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies inside us.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson