Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a W Day.
7th Grade: Join your classmates for a “Beach Party” on Thursday, November 17 from 2:45 – 4:10. There will be fun games, great music, delicious food and prizes. The cost is only $3.00 for the annual 7th grade party. See you next week in your appropriate beach attire. (Must follow EMS dress code)
ALL GRADES: Attention beginner, intermediate and expert chess players! The Littleton Public Schools annual chess tournament will take place at Newton Middle School on Saturday, December 3. You must pre-register before November 18th in order to attend. You can get a registration form from Mrs. Lloyd in room 103 or from Student Services. Questions? Check with Mrs. Lloyd.
Words of Wisdom
Theme: Daring to be Our Best
Quote: “Faithful service should be long remembered.” –American proverb