Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a W Day.
ALL GRADES: Retake pictures will arrive in approximately 3 weeks. They will be distributed to classrooms.
Tryouts for the Littleton Girls Basketball feeder program are Sunday, September 25th, Saturday, October 1st, and Sunday, October 2nd at Littleton High School. Tryouts are open to girls for our 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Lions teams. More information can be found on the LHS Bulletin Board and on the Littleton Basketball website.
Words of Wisdom
Theme: Respecting Ourselves and Others
Quote: “Sooner or later a person – if he or she is wise – discovers that life is a mixture of good days and bad, victory and defeat, give and take. He learns that he who loses his temper usually loses. She learns that carrying a chip on her shoulder is the easiest way to get into a fight.” –Anonymous