Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a W Day.
ALL GRADES: If you would like to be in student council please pick up an application form from your teacher, fill it out and return it to the office by Tuesday of next week. It does need to be signed by your parent so make sure and take it home over the weekend. Student council does many things to help our school and community!! Come get involved in being a leader.
Attention aquarium club members, we will have our next meeting Monday, September 19. We are going to Neptune’s to get fish but will only be able to take as many students as we can fit in the parents cars. If your parents can drive let me know! I will see everyone in room 81 at 2:45 on Monday! See ya there.
Picture Retake Day is September 20 – If you have not taken your picture this year, be sure to do that on this day! Order forms can be obtained in the front office. You do not need to purchase pictures to have your picture taken. You will need your picture for your ID card and yearbook. If you want re-takes, be sure to bring your picture packet with you on this day and give it to the photographers.
Tryouts for the Littleton Girls Basketball feeder program are Sunday, September 25th, Saturday, October 1st, and Sunday, October 2nd at Littleton High School. Tryouts are open to girls for our 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Lions teams. More information can be found on the LHS Bulletin Board and on the Littleton Basketball website.
Words of Wisdom
Theme: Respecting Ourselves and Others
Quote: “Crime is contagious.” –Louis Brandeis