Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a B Day.
ALL GRADES: Attention Students – Please take a moment to check out the Lost and Found tables located on the small stage in the cafetorium. All items will be donated if not collected by Friday, November 19.
Spelling Club will meet in room 94 on Thursdays after school until 4:15. Bring a snack. New club members welcome until Thanksgiving break.
Attention, all grade levels! If you are interested in participating in the LPS District Chess Tournament on Saturday, December 4 at Newton Middle School, please pick up a registration form from Room 209 or Student Services by Thursday, November 18. The tournament starts at 8:00 a.m. and ends around 3:00 p.m.
Student – Do you have a love for cooking? If you do, there is now a club to satisfy your hobby. Join the cooking club. The club meets Wednesdays after school in room 106 starting Wednesday, December 1st. We will study and make foods from around the world. This will be a place to taste food from different cultures.
We are keeping it REAL about suicide prevention this week. Today, we are focusing on being Excellent and learning how to ACT when a friend is struggling.
Acknowledge: that a friend or classmate has a problem, and that the symptoms are serious.
Care: Let the friend know you are there for them, and want to help.
Tell: Tell a trusted adult about their concerns.
Don’t forget to stop by the information booth today to learn about the ACT message and to get more information on suicide prevention.
Words of Wisdom
Monthly Theme: Daring To Be Our Best
Quote: “Nurture great thoughts, for you will never go higher than you think.” –Benjamin Disareli