Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a B Day.
ALL GRADES: Ping Pong Club is cancelled for Monday, November 15. See you November 29.
Attention Students – Please take a moment to check out the Lost and Found tables located on the small stage in the cafetorium. All items will be donated if not collected by Friday, November 19.
Spelling Club will meet in room 94 on Thursdays after school until 4:15. Bring a snack. New club members welcome until Thanksgiving break.
Attention Team Dorie members of Aquarium club, we will be going to Neptunes today, November 15, after school to get more fish for the downstairs tanks. See ya in room 81 after school!
You might have noticed the yellow ribbons and signs around our school… This week is “Yellow Ribbon Week” which means Suicide Prevention week. Each day this week, we will be highlighting different resources to help raise awareness and hope for those who may be struggling. Our focus this entire week will be on having HOPE and getting HELP. We will have information tables set up in the cafeteria every day so please visit our table this week to get more information. Also come by today and pledge your support by signing our banner of Hope. Once you pledge you will receive a Yellow Ribbon bracelet. We encourage you to wear your bracelet every day this week as a symbol of HOPE and HELP.
Reminder: When you enter the building, you need to turn your cell phone off and store it in your locker. It is important that it is off and not on vibrate during the school day. So…at this time…if you have your cell phone with you, please turn it off and take it to your locker.
Words of Wisdom
Monthly Theme: Daring To Be Our Best
Quote: “It is a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.” –Somerset Maugham