Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a B Day.
6th Grade: TOMORROW is the 6th Grade GLOW PARTY Roller Skating Fun! Yes indeed, Thursday, October 7 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM at Skate City near Lowell and Bowles. The cost is $3.50. Dinner special: hot dog, chips and drink or 2 slices of pizza and drink for $3. One free glow-stick for each paid skater!
ALL GRADES: Yearbooks are on sale!! Make sure to buy one now because we may not have extras in the spring. Everyone’s in it and they’re only $20. Don’t’ be left out. Orders are due by October 29. See Mrs. Flaum in the office to order your yearbook.
Attention aquarium club members, I need parent driving sheets filled out and turned in to Mr. Yamnitz’s room 81 by Friday; Team Dorie students are going to the fish store on Monday, Oct 11 to get fish for the downstairs tanks. I will see all Team Dorie students on Monday, October 11, in room 81 after school at 2:45!
The service club would like to help you achieve your feather. We will be informing you of opportunities to participate in community service projects outside of school. We have a project that all students can participate in. We are looking for students to help RAFT (A community service group) put together educational packages for children in need. If you are interested please talk to Mrs. Kocur or Ms. Alley in room 99. You can also talk to the service club representative in your grade: 8th grade: Maggie Baine, 7th Grade: Lexie Meagher, and Mariah Lyons for 6th grade.
Words of Wisdom
Monthly Theme: Making a Difference
Quote: “We must use our lives to make the world a better place, not just to acquire things. That is what we are put on earth for.” –Dolores Huerta