Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a W Day.
Monday, October 25 RESPECT your body and say no to drugs. Wear red day.
Tuesday, October 26 Be EXCELLENT and give drugs the slip. Wear slippers.
Wednesday, October 27 ACCEPT the fact that we are all smart and say no to drugs. Dress like a nerd day.
Thursday, October 28 Be a LEADER and help your friends put a lid on drugs. Wear hat day.
Friday, October 29 All Euclid Students BE REAL and work as a team to say not to drugs. Wear sports team jerseys or school colors that day.
Hey Brainiacs! Do you know a little about many things, or lots about one thing? Come share your knowledge at Brain Bowl on Thursdays after school in room 209 with Mrs. Lloyd and Mr. Yamnitz. Bring a snack and join us for some fun.
Ping Pong Club starts Wednesday, October 27 after school in room 204.
Did you forget about the STRIDE? Registration has been extended just for you!!....Is your registration sitting in your backpack? On the kitchen table? You have not missed out. Turn in your Stride registration by Thursday morning and help Euclid continue our championship tradition.
Words of Wisdom
Monthly Theme: Making a Difference
Quote: “The person who gives is a person who has.” –Lithuanian proverb