This is a B Day.
7th Grade:
Attention 7th grade girls: There will be an information meeting for basketball on Monday, October 27 in room 107. If you plan to play basketball this year, please attend. Please bring homework with you if you need to ride the late bus.
8th Grade:
Attention 8th grade students: If you are interested in the IB program at Littleton High School please see Mrs. Vrooman. Applications are in the counseling office.
The next Aquarium Club meeting will be Monday, October 27th in Room 207 immediately after school.
Tis the Season…The weather is getting colder. Please remember to bring your jackets to lunch as you will still need to go outside at least the last five minutes of your lunch period.
Do you like to run or walk and help out a great cause at the same time? Then the 13th annual Littleton Stride is for you. This event helps raise money for the Littleton Public Schools Foundation. The Foundation awards grants to teachers and funds various projects in our schools. This year’s stride includes a 10K and 5K run, a 5K walk and a 1K Fun Run. See Mr. Coll in room 107 or Mrs. Phillips in room 203 for more details.
Check the information board by the Welcome Center in the front hall. There is information on activities outside of Euclid.
Words of Wisdom
Monthly Theme: Respecting Ourselves and Others
Quote: “….as I go along through life, I see more and more that honesty in word, thought, and work means success. It spells a life worth living.” –George Eberhard