This is a W Day.
Calling all math-letes! Math Counts begins Thursday, October 9. Come to room 206 after school on Thursday. See Mrs. Lloyd if you have questions.
Attention Journalists – The Euclid Middle School Newspaper will hold an interest meeting at the Falcon Perch in the library today from 3-4 pm. Curious? Come see what it’s all about. –Mrs. Olsen & Ms. Dodds
Picture Retakes are tomorrow, October 7.
· New students need to be photographed for a student ID even if you aren’t purchasing a picture.
· Any student who wants a retake needs to bring the original picture back.
· Any students needing to buy pictures for the first time can pick up packets in the main office. You MUST bring money and completed packet at the time of pictures.
· Core pictures will also be taken this day. The cost is $6.50 if you would like to purchase this photo. Students will be able to pick up core group packets from their teachers.
Words of Wisdom
Monthly Theme: Respecting Ourselves and Others
Quote: “Commit yourself to a dream…Nobody who tries to do something great but fails is a total failure. Why? Because he can always rest assured that he succeeded in life’s most important battle – he defeated the fear of trying.” –Robert Schuller