Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tuesday, April 28th, 2020

 Today is a Blue Day which means- 

Blue Days 

6th Grade Blue Days: Language Arts/Science, PE, SPANISH, ART (only participate in your 4th quarter classes)

7th/8th Grade: Odd numbered classes (periods 1,3,5,7)

Words of Wisdom/Morning Announcements Video 


From Your Counselors! You are invited to join the Counseling Google Classroom code: ncaprnj for Resources, CorePlus and for next year's registration.


Euclid Online Learning Start Page - take attendance once each day (from 8:30 - 3:15)


CorePlus - How to be Successful in the Distance Learning Environment


Euclid Scavenger Hunt This Week


7th Grade:

We are excited to announce Euclid's Web Leaders for 2020-2021. Please visit the Euclid WEB Leader Site to see if your name is on the list! If you are on the list fill out the WEB acceptance letter with your parents. We will be holding a google hangout, Spring Play day on May 6th!


8th Grade:

8th grade students going to Heritage High School this fall. If you are interested in the cheer squad - click here for information about registration and cheerleading tryouts.


Check out the "Quarantimes" - Euclid's online newspaper created by our yearbook staff. See the submit page to become published.


Thank you to everyone who participated in the first Euclid Virtual Spirit Week - Here is our Flipgrid


Resource of the Day -  Snack Mix Recipe


Let's go on a Field Trip - Monterey Bay Aquarium


Falcon Feathers - Continue to work on your Falcon Feathers

Once you have completed a Falcon Feather - click here to submit to Ms. Cotter.