Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Wednesday,January 22, 2020

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is a W Day.


All Grades:  

Jubilation will rehearse after school today instead of Thursday. Please see Mrs. Alexander if you're not able to attend.


Sources of Strength Students- don't forget we are meeting today, after school tomorrow, January 22! Please join us and help plan our next campaign!


Attention all students - SHOW YOUR SPIRIT! Have you seen the cool hoodies, baseball shirts and t-shirts on other students? If you missed the opportunity to order Spirit Wear in the Fall, you have another opportunity. See Mrs. Rand in the Attendance Office for an order form.    ORDERS are DUE Tuesday, February 4th


Attention all students! If you have lost jewelry, phones, glasses, ear buds/phones, wallets or other smaller items of value, come check with Mrs. Rand in the attendance office. We have many items that haven't been claimed. 


Magic the Gathering club will meet tomorrow, Thursday, January 23rd after school.