Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a B Day.
6th Grade:
6th graders – Today will be a B day and we are back on schedule.
8th Grade:
Attention 8th Grade Boys Basketball players. The time for basketball has arrived. Our first three practices will be held in December. Our first practice is December 11th in the gym after school from 3:50-5:05. We also have practice in the morning on December 13th from 7:50-8:45 am and December 18th after school. On Tuesday December 11th, come with gym clothes and a water bottle. Everyone will get a practice and game schedule at the first practice. All skill levels are welcome and encouraged to come out and play some hoops!
All Grades:
Students – a reminder that hats or head coverings are not allowed in the building. Please take your hat or head covering off when you enter. Thank you.
Basketball fans – come support the 8th grade girls basketball teams on Saturday, December 8th at 10:00 AM for B team and A team will be playing for 1st place against Powell at 1:00 PM.
Student Council Dog and Cat Competition
Dates: December 10-14th Animal Shelter Fundraiser - Starts on Monday Dec. 10th
Student Council has put a box in each of your classrooms that has a picture of the animal you are raising funds for, so you can fill it with supplies. Do you have Chico the cat or Porky the Pomeranian? Euclid students are sponsoring a Dog/Cat fundraiser for the South Platte Humane Society. The goal is to fill every box in every room with food and supplies for cats and dogs.
Let the competition begin, if you have a dog bring in dog items and supplies to count for positive points for your Core+ Class. Mrs. Benner's class is the only class that has a cat - so that class needs to bring in cat items to count for points. If you want to sabotage a class and take away points from their box you can donate items for the other animal to count as negative points. The point system rules for the competition are as follows:
· Animal specific items are the only way too sabotage.
· Dry dog or cat food is one point for every pound.
· Cans of food count for 2 points.
· People can bring plastic shopping bags and toys, but they don't count for points.
· The highest point is blankets which are ten points each.
Doughnut party for first place per grade. Candy for second place in each grade level. Everybody else should feel proud that they are helping to feed and take care of dogs and cats this season.
Attention all students: Check out the windows in the cafeteria to see if you have ordered a yearbook. If you haven't, you'll want to reserve your copy now. Your parents may pay for your Yearbook on Parent Portal or you may bring payment to Mrs. Kelley in the office. The cost is $30.
Words of Wisdom:
Quote: "Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done." –Louis Brandeis