Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a W Day.
All Grades:
Magic the Gathering Club won't be meeting September 27th due to conferences. We will meet the following Thursday, October 4th.
There are no late busses on Thursday, September 27 due to conferences.
LOST AND FOUND - Check lost and found in the lunchroom for any items you may be missing. Items left as of Wednesday, October 3rd will be donated. Thank you.
This THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th is the first meeting for all student council members. It is in room 1122, Mrs. Duran's room starting at 8:00 AM. Students were chosen based on grades, recommendation from teachers, ability to meet the requirements, and individual responses to questions.
Words of Wisdom:
Quote: "Your positive action combines with positive thinking results in success." –Shiv Khera