Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a B Day.
7th Grade:
Attention 7th grade boys and girls: Do you like to run fast or throw far or jump high? Then join Track and Field on the field inside the track after school on Tuesday, September 4th! Coach Biddulph and Coach Marquis will hand out schedules and permission slips at practice. Have a water bottle and be ready to run!
8th Grade:
Attention runners, jumpers and throwers. 8th grade boys and girls Track and Field season starts with practice after school tomorrow, Tuesday, August 28. Meet on the track with your athletic wear, shoes and water bottle. Be ready to be active! See Coach Borel or Coach Morris with questions.
Words of Wisdom:
Quote: "All children are essential to America's future. We don't have a child to waste. We will not be a strong country unless we invest in every one of our children." –Marian Wright Edelman