Monday, October 23, 2017

Monday, October 23, 2017

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is a B Day.

All Grades:

It's that time of year again! The Stride is a 5K, 10K, and Kids Fun Run event to benefit Littleton Public Schools Foundation on Sunday, October 29. Races start at the Littleton Museum. All 5k/10k participants will receive a race bib with disposable timing tag and a long sleeved, performance shirt. Delicious pancakes are available after the races! Register online today at and don't forget to select EUCLID as the LPS School you support! Ask your P.E teacher for more details.


Wrestling practice begins today, October 23 from 3:00-4:15 in the wrestling room. If you are interested in grappling and working out come to the wrestling room ready to sweat on Monday, October 23rd.


DON'T MISS OUT & ACT NOW! If you didn't order Spirit Wear or you have seen the cool new camo hoodie or active-wear shirt and want to get one, you have one more chance this year.  We will have order forms available at Conferences in the main hallway or see Mrs. Rand. ORDERS ARE DUE by TODAY, October 23.


This week is Red Ribbon Week. This is our kick-off to supporting the national movement of Love Yourself - Be Drug Free. Tuesday is Hat Day - Put a Cap on Drugs - wear a hat all day - for free! Wednesday is Crazy Day - We are Crazy About Being Drug Free - Wear crazy hair, socks and pants inside out. Thursday - World Day - A World Against Drugs - Wear attire from any country or state!! Friday - Pajama Day!! - Lay off drugs - Wear appropriate pajama pants, onesies or sweats that day.  


The next Brain Bowl practice is Thursday, October 26 after school at 2:55 - 4:15 in Mr. Tuke's room in 7 Below. Please join us for some trivia. Everyone is welcome.


Words of Wisdom:

Quote: "There are no great people in this world; there are only ordinary people. The only difference is that some people set higher goals, dream bigger dreams, and settle for nothing less than the best." –Robert Schuller