Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a W Day.
7th Grade Girls:
Attention 7th grade girls: Volleyball will be starting on March 8th after school in the gym. Come ready to learn about our season and start practicing. See Coach Broyles or Coach Remkus for a schedule of practices and games. You can also get a schedule at our first practice. Hope to see you there!
8th Grade Girls:
Attention 8th grade girls: Volleyball will be starting on March 6th after school in the gym. Have some fun hitting, serving, and passing the volleyball. Come ready to play. See Coach Otte or Coach Vigil for a schedule of practices and games.
All Grades:
There will be a Middle School Dance Clinic in the cafeteria on March 6, 7 and 9 from 2:45 – 4:10 PM. The cost is $5 a day or $10 for all 3. The Heritage Belles will be teaching the dance routines.
Words of Wisdom:
Quote: "Cultivate Virtue in yourself, and Virtue will be real.
Cultivate Virtue in the family, and Virtue will grow.
Cultivate Virtue in the village, and Virtue will spread.
Cultivate Virtue in the nation, and Virtue will be plenty.
Cultivate Virtue in the world, and Virtue will triumph everywhere." –Lao-tzu