Friday, April 1, 2016

Friday, April 1, 2016

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is a B Day.

6th Grade:

Attention 6th graders – Due to a scheduling conflict 6th grade Track will start on Tuesday, April 5 after school.  Please meet Mr. Coll and Mrs. Neufeld in the Activity Room at 3:00 PM.  Come dressed and ready to run.  Please bring a water bottle and warm clothes (in case it's cold).  See you then!


7th Grade:

7th grade volleyball girls: we will have an optional practice Monday, April 4 @ 7:00 AM in the gym.


All Grades:

Students: Remember, you need to have your Chrome Books every day for CMAS testing and fully charged. We have an incentive for you to do so. If you have your Chrome Book each day and it is charged at 85% or higher, you will receive a raffle ticket. Your raffle ticket will allow you to be eligible to earn our CMAS Grand Prize! Each Friday of CMAS week, we will pick one winner from each grade. The winner will earn a pizza party for him/herself and four friends! So, remember to charge your Chrome Books each night! 

Words of Wisdom:

Quote: "Every problem is an opportunity in disguise." –Unknown