Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a W Day.
All Grades:
Attention 6th and 7th graders: Do you have outstanding scholarship, good citizenship, character, and leadership? You may be eligible to join Euclid's National Junior Honor Society, or NJHS. This is a program for students who excel in these areas. Eligible students will receive an invitation to apply today during 7th hour. If you are eligible and want to join, follow the directions on your invitation. Applications are due in Student Services on February 3 at 3:00 PM. No late applications are accepted so act now to be a part of this great service oriented club. Please note, current 7th and 8th graders who were inducted into NJHS in sixth grade remain members without reapplying. See Mrs. Grenawalt in 104 if you have questions.
The First Semester Honor Roll 2015-2016 has been posted by the front office. Invitations were sent via email to parents and students. Congratulations!
HAVE YOU PURCHASED YOUR YEARBOOK YET? You don't want to miss out on this years bigger, better yearbook. Copies are limited! THE TIME TO BUY IS NOW!
Don't know if you have pre-purchased and reserved your copy? Go onto Infinite Campus, look under Fees. If there is a record of $30 for yearbook, you are good to go! You have one reserved, you will receive it the last week of school!
Don't have one reserved yet, order one by doing one of the following:
1) Pay online in Infinite Campus OR 2) Give $30 cash or check made out to EMS to our bookkeeper, Mrs. Kelley Don't wait! Order today... COPIES ARE LIMITED!
Words of Wisdom
Quote: "You always pass failure on the way to success." –Mickey Rooney