Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader

This is a B Day.

6th Grade:

6th grade CO ED basketball is CANCELLED after school today due to the choir/band concert.  


6th Graders – Join us for the Falcon Feather Celebration in December.  To be invited all you have to do is earn a Falcon Feather. Turn in a Falcon Feather work sheet to your teacher on Friday November 20 or December 4.


8th Grade:

8th Grade Boys: Basketball will start on Tuesday, December 8 at 6:50 AM!  Yes it's early but it's as close as we can get to Midnight Madness!


All Grades:

We are keeping it REAL about suicide prevention this week. Today, we are focusing on being Excellent and learning how to ACT when a friend is struggling.


Acknowledge: that a friend or classmate has  problems and that the symptoms are serious.

Care: let the friend know you are there for them, and want to help.

Tell:  a trusted adult about their concerns.


Don't forget to stop by the information booth today to learn about the ACT message and to get more information on suicide prevention. For more information and resources visit the booth at lunch


Reminder:  Food, candy, drinks, and gum are not allowed in the Library at any time.  Respect and love your library!  Also, if a student checks out a Chromebook from the Library, it MUST be returned the same day.  Students cannot check them out overnight. 


NJHS members: our next meeting is this Friday, December 4th, at 7:00 AM in the Double Classroom.  See you there!!

Words of Wisdom

Quote: "Friends share all things." –Pythagoras