Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a W Day.
All Grades:
Littleton High School will be holding their 6th annual Euclid Girls Basketball Clinic on Monday, September 14th and Thursday, September 17th from 2:50-4:10 each day. Registration forms can be found at the PTO Welcome Center.
Soccer Club will begin Friday, September 25 at 7:00 AM in the gym. Please get a purple form from Mr. Mena to fill out ahead of time so you are ready to participate. See you there!
Do you want to be in the Euclid Spelling Bee? Do you love Spelling? Do you want to become a better Speller? If so join the Spelling Club! The first meeting is on Wednesday, September 9th BEFORE SCHOOL at 7:15-7:45. Get schedule of meetings, plan club and light snacks and drinks provided! ALL GRADES WELCOME (6-8) in Mrs. Fast's Room (82). Hope to see you there!
Words of Wisdom
Quote: "I think education is power. I think that being able to communicate with people is power. One of my main goals is to encourage people to empower themselves." –Oprah Winfrey