Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is B Day.
8th Grade:
Would you like to participate in the Eighth Grade Talent Show this year? We are looking for a variety of acts - dance, singing, instrumental performance, juggling, gymnastics, unicycle riding, magic tricks, etc. Do you have a special talent that you would like to share with your classmates on Continuation Day? Then grab an information packet outside Mrs. Mac's classroom, fill it out and return it before Thursday, April 9th!
All Grades:
Students over Spring Break the exterior of the lockers are going to be cleaned. Please remove anything you have hanging on the outside of your locker. You will be able to put your Falcon Feather certificates and Be REAL locker tags back up after Spring Break.
Words of Wisdom
Quote: "Success is achieving the maximum of your potential in the situation that you are in." –Robert Schuller