Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday, March 14, 2014

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader


This is a W Day.



In the Library, the Battle of the Books is moving on to Round Two!  The winning titles from Round One are posted by the entrance, and they include The Maze Runner and other favorites.  Stop by to see if your picks won, and be sure to visit the Library website to vote in Round Two.  When you vote, you will be entered to win one of our four prizes in April!


Hey fitness FREAKS, don't forget that the Fitness Club meets with Mr. Fischer after school on Mondays!!  Whether you're getting in shape for all the spring sports or just trimming down a few pounds before you put your swimsuit back on, the Fitness Club is for YOU!!  See you there!


Words of Wisdom

Quote: “No one ever achieves great success by simply doing what is required of him.” –Charles Kendall Adams