Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is B Day.
7th Grade:
Attention 7th grade girls – basketball will start Monday, October 14 at 6:50 AM. That's right ladies, BEFORE school. Please enter on the east side by the gym. Join Mr. Coll and Ms. Vigil as we begin another championship season!
Reminder for after school and library:
· If you are using the library you must be checked in by 3:00 and stay until 4:15. If you need to leave earlier than 4:15, you must be signed out by an adult.
· All students must be off campus by 3:00, if you are not in a designated club/activity. The front doors will be locked after 3:00 so it's important you have all of your belongings before that time.
If you want to get in shape or just stay in shape, then the fitness club is for you. Fitness club will meet on Monday's starting on October 14. At the first meeting you will receive information about the club and then have the chance to workout. Stop by Ms. Enderlin's or Mr. Fischer's office to get the insurance sheet that you will need in order to become a member of the club. See you on the 14th!!!!
Attention all 6-8th grade boys and girls interested in being a part of the Euclid Wrestling team - come to the informational meeting after school Monday, October 14. We will meet in the double classroom. Come meet the coaches, receive a schedule, and find out more information about the season.
Words of Wisdom
Quote: "Each of us is called to make the world a better place. Our lives must be creative." –Father Edward J. Lavin