Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday, April 12, 2013

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader


This is a W Day.



Hey Cycling Club members!  Remember to return your purple permission slip on or before our next meeting on Tuesday.  Do you need another form?  Please stop by Student Services, across from the library, to pick on up.  Haven't joined the club, but want to?  Pick up a permission slip before Tuesday, and then join us at the front entrance after school on Tuesday.  Everyone is welcome!  Check with Mrs. Lloyd in Student Services if you have questions.


Don't forget that Mr. Richardson or Mr. Thelen will be in the library on Thursday after school for HW Help! session.  They look forward to seeing you there.


Words of Wisdom

Quote: "There are no riches above a sound body." –The Apocrypha