Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a B Day.
The Honor Roll Celebration is tonight, Tuesday, February 12 at 7:00 PM in the gym. The 2012-2013 First Semester Honor Roll list is posted on the bulletin board by the office.
Registration forms for Girls on the Run are NOW available!! LET THE FUN BEGIN!!
Ask your classroom teacher for a registration form or contact Mrs. Case. Girls on the Run inspires girls to a lifetime of self-respect and a healthy lifestyle through an innovative program that combines training for a 3.1 mile run/walk race with fun activities. We will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-4pm after school. Open to all 6th through 8th grade girls.
Reminder: For those invited to apply, NJHS applications are due in student services by 3:00 on Thursday, February 14. You will hear back about whether or not your application was accepted in early April.
Don't forget that Mr. Richardson or Mr. Thelen will be in the library on Thursday after school for a HW Help! session. They look forward to seeing you there.
Words of Wisdom
Quote: "I grew up in circumstances that really should have prevented me from being here today, but I knew my mind could take me anywhere." –Ruth Simmons