Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader


This is a W Day.


ALL GRADES:  All aquarium club members interested in going to the Denver Aquarium the last week of school need to get a permission slip from Mr. Yamnitz room 81 ASAP!  Also, we will have Aquarium Club Monday, May 7, after school in room 81; we are giving away fish so everyone needs to attend!  See you all there.


National Junior Honor Society will have it's last meeting of the year this Friday 5/4 at 7:00 am in the double classroom.  All NJHS students current and newly elected should attend.  There will be a breakfast of burritos, fruit, juice and bagels.  We will welcome the incoming and celebrate the work of the outgoing members.


All library books are due back in the library by Monday, May 7.  Please return all books, magazines and Playaway audio books by next Monday to avoid being charged for a lost item.


Soccer practice has been cancelled for Thursday, May 3 and Friday, May 4.


8th Grade:

Last chance 8th grade to call your parents and get $3 so you can come to the Black Light 8th grade party.  It is today from 2:50 – 4:14 PM. The late bus will be available. There will be chocolate fountains, games, dancing, pizza and more.  See you there!


All 8th grade Girls Volleyball Players - Please turn in your jersey to Coach Otte in room 209 or Coach Wallen in room 109 as soon as possible.


Words of Wisdom

Theme: Choosing Character     

Quote: "When I was little, I was a handful, always getting into things.  I was warned: If I continued, I would be solely responsible for the consequences.  This is how I learned the difference between right and wrong.  Right is comfort, wrong is pain." –Grandmother Twylah Nitsch