Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a W Day.
ALL GRADES: French Club is cancelled for the month of January.
Do you have a love for cooking? If you do, there is now a club to satisfy your hobby. Join the cooking club. The club meets Wednesdays after school in room 106. We will study and make foods from around the world. This will be a place to taste food from different cultures.
Are you athletic? Do you love to play games such as Capture the Flag or Freeze Tag? Then come to Active Games Club! We meet in the activity room by the gym on Thursdays. Everyone is welcome. Snacks are included. Hope to see you there.
Hey smarty pants! Brain bowl is meeting after school on Thursdays in room 209 with Lloyd and Yamnitz. Come find out about trivia cheese and be part of our competition team formation.
Words of Wisdom
Monthly Theme: Stumbling Blocks or Stepping Stones
Quote: “Our aspirations are our possibilities.” –Robert Browning