Be Respectful, Be Excellent, Be Accepting, Be a Leader
This is a W Day.
7th Grade: All 7th graders are invited to attend the 7th grade party on Thursday, December 9 from 2:45 – 4:10. The cost is only $3.00 for a wonderful Luau!! Food, drinks and prizes will be provided!! Come join in the fun – Aloha
8th Grade: Attention 8th grade girls basketball - please return your jersey to Mr. Fischer as soon as possible! Look for BOTH trophies coming soon to our trophy cabinet for display. Thanks again for a great season!!
ALL GRADES: It’s Competition time! Being in the giving spirit of the holidays, the service club challenges you to bring in as many canned foods as you can. This is a competition for all grades. Each day you can drop off canned foods in the cafeteria. Please make sure you are placing them in the correct “grade level” bins. We will count up the cans at the end of the day and let you know which grade is winning. At the end off the week, the grade with 100 cans gets to wear crazy glasses, 200 cans gets to wear hats, and 300 cans or more get to have a backwards dress-up day. The grade with the most cans gets to dress like their favorite Super Hero!! Will your grade have bragging rights at the end of the week???
Hey students, is your stomach growling before it’s time for lunch? Did you skip breakfast? You can get breakfast right here in our cafeteria for only $1.25! If you receive free or reduced lunch, your breakfast is free. Breakfast is served from 7:30 – 7:45 AM every day.
There will be no spelling club in December due to the seventh grade party after school December 9. The next spelling club will meet January 13.
Attention all Student Council members: there will be a meeting this Thursday, December 9. We will meet in the double classroom at 7:00 AM. Don’t be late!
Words of Wisdom
Monthly Theme: Gift of Friendship
Quote: “To be a friend a man should strive to lift people up, to encourage, and to set an example that will be an inspiration to others.” –Wilfred A. Peterson
All-School Holiday Lunch
Date: Thursday, December 9th
Time: Your lunch period
Attire: Dress up for the Occasion
Turkey Roast
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
Buttered Corn
Hot Roll
Pumpkin Pie or Brownie