This is a B Day.
7th Grade: Attention 7th graders: Please attend the one and only 7th grade party being held today from 2:45-4:00 pm. Come to the Fall Carnival Challenge party and compete in a number of one minute games, enjoy some great music with a DJ and enjoy hot dogs, nachos, cotton candy and popcorn. All this for just $3! See you there 7th grade!
ALL GRADES: Due to the 7th grade party on Thursday, we will not have Spelling Club today. Please bring your SPARKLING selves to Spelling Club in Room 94 the Thursday after Thanksgiving break.
Brainiacs! Brain Bowl will take place today after school in Mrs. Lloyd’s room. We’re beginning to form our teams as we prepare for the Denver Metro competition in February. Come check it out.
Aquarium Club will meet next Monday after school in Room 101 to clean the tanks before Thanksgiving break. Come prepared to work!
Words of Wisdom
Monthly Theme: Keeping a Positive Attitude
Think big and expand your world.