This is a W Day.
ALL GRADES: The library “Return Your Library Books” contest ends today, Thursday. The winning classes will be announced on Friday. Make sure you are not the person who keeps your class from winning that basket of candy!
Sushi Heads (Euclid’s Aquarium Club) will have one final meeting next Monday, May 18. Fish will be auctioned to those who have fresh water tanks.
It’s time to look for those lost jackets, misplaced lunch bags and missing coats. The Lost and Found is in the cafeteria. Items that are not claimed will be donated.
Students – check out the bulletin boards in the cafeteria and the PTO welcome center for activities at the high schools and outside of Euclid.
Words of Wisdom
Monthly Theme: Building a Caring Community
Quote: “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” –Helen Keller