This is a B Day.
ALL GRADES: The Computer Game Club is starting again for all grades! We will meet Mondays after school in the Tech Lab (Room 24). We meet for the first time this Monday, March 9! Come prepared to create and play computer games! See Mr. Biddulph for more information.
Don’t forget that Student Council on Thursday morning has been cancelled due to the All School Party on Thursday afternoon. See you at the party.
Outdoor Games Club start on Monday!! Bring your friends and meet in room 203 to play your favorite outdoor and indoor group games. This Monday we are playing Dodge Ball Bowling and Capture the Flag. See Mrs. Phillips if you have questions!
Sushi Heads (Euclid’s Aquarium Club) will not meet next week as planned, but instead on Monday, March 16. Meet in Room 207 immediately after school for a field trip.
Art Club and Ping Pong Club are cancelled this Thursday, March 5 due to the All School Party.
“Beach party”
March 5, 2009
Admission: $3.00
2:50 pm – 4:15 pm
Busses leave at 4:20 pm
Activities include: DJ and dancing, limbo and hoola-hoop contest will be located in the gym. Ping Pong tables will be set up in the cafeteria. Cheese and Hawaiian Pizza and drinks will be available in the cafeteria. PTO is sponsoring a FREE photo shoot--ONE PER STUDENT! Located in the hallway outside the cafeteria.
Attire for the Party: Students may wear their beach attire during the day. No swimsuits. Dress code applies, if in doubt, don't wear it. (See student agenda for specifics.)
Words of Wisdom
Monthly Theme: Sharing Similarities and Celebrating Differences
Quote: “Man lives more by affirmation than by bread.” –Victor Hugo